About the Foundation For Freedom Conference
Throughout our nation’s history, the federal government has repeatedly attempted to encroach upon our Constitutionally protected, God-given rights. Through Acts, Executive Orders, Laws, Mandates, Proclamations, Supreme Court Rulings, and Treaties, the three branches of government have gradually reshaped our understanding of their roles and authority. Instead of “we the people” being the employers of our elected officials, we have been reduced to mere subjects under the centralized power of the federal government. We have failed to challenge unconstitutional actions and nullify these overreaches.
To understand the strategy behind the federal government’s usurpation of our Constitutional rights, one can look at the assault on our 2nd Amendment rights. The second amendment remained unchallenged from 1791 until 1934 when President Franklin D. Roosevelt introduced The National Firearms Act as part of his New Deal for Crime legislation. This was ostensibly to curb gangland crimes but was, in reality, the first attack on our right to bear arms. Over the last 90 years, federal and state governments have systematically attempted to disarm the American public under the guise of protection. This includes unconstitutional Acts like the Gun Control Act of 1968, The Brady Bill of 1993, and President Clinton’s Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994.
A significant challenge to this disarmament came with the Supreme Court case of Mack/Printz v. USA, where two Sheriffs stood against the unconstitutional 1994 Act and won. This case ignited a national movement to safeguard our second amendment rights. In response, many counties, particularly in Florida, passed Resolutions to become Sanctuary Counties for the Second Amendment. These Resolutions aimed to position counties as protectors against state and federal overreach.
The importance of constitutional counties became even more evident during Covid and the 2020 election cycle. Our 1st Amendment rights of assembly were violated by shelter-in-place orders, and our 5th Amendment rights were compromised along with the 9th, 10th, and 14th Amendments due to arbitrary business closures and vaccine status discrimination. This pattern of federal overreach highlights the need for counties and their sheriffs to stand up and pass resolutions defending the entire Bill of Rights and the Constitution.
Our upcoming Foundation for Freedom Conference on September 6th & 7th in Orlando is a crucial call to action. Sheriffs, Elected Officials, and Faith-based Leaders will share their experiences and strategies for upholding the Constitution, empowering attendees to enact similar resolutions in their counties. The conference will also address pressing national issues like the border crisis and election integrity. Don’t miss this chance to join the constitutional county movement and make a difference. Our Constitution is in jeopardy and requires immediate action to revive it. Our Founding Fathers pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor for their country, and now it’s our turn to do the same.
To register for the conference go to www.foundationforfreedom.us Register and become the solution to the restoration of our Country.
God Bless you and God Bless the USA! I will see you September 6th in Orlando

Upholding the Foundation of Our Constitutional Republic and Freedom
Welcome to the Florida Foundation For Freedom, your hub for conservative insights and solutions. Engage with our dynamic content, attend key events, and join our community for impactful discussions and actions. Discover the profound influence of biblical principles on the United States Constitution! The Founding Fathers, many of whom were devout Christians, infused their moral and ethical teachings from the Bible into the very fabric of our government. They crafted a system that champions justice, equality, and individual rights. The concept of humanity’s inherent sinfulness inspired the ingenious system of checks and balances, ensuring no single branch could dominate the government. Believing in human dignity, with all people created in God’s image, they emphasized individual liberties and personal freedoms. Experience how the Constitution brilliantly mirrors the impact of biblical values on American governance.