Foundation for Freedom Conference Update

Foundation for Freedom Conference Update

We have been getting tremendously positive feedback from attendees and I believe the Foundation for Freedom conference was an amazing success. I believe God brought together an outstanding team of organizers, speakers, performers, behind the scenes workers and volunteers that delivered a message of freedom and hope for our country. I have rarely seen a group of such gifted men and women of God come together in one place to honor Him and deliver His message of what needs to be done in our nation at such a time as this.

The conference represented Day 120 of the 180 day plan we began on May 8th and now with the success God has granted us, we now have less than 60 days left until 11/05/24 and the end of the plan with much left to accomplish.

You can watch the conference on our Youtube Channel:

In the next 60 days our goal is to establish a group of volunteers in the remaining 37 counties in Florida that we don’t yet have a presence in. I will be placing the Foundation for Freedom Conference footage in strategic social medial platforms and websites to have this message go viral across the nation. We will use the various short and long form videos as a means getting the constitutional county and sheriff message out and hopefully continue the momentum we have started here in Florida.

I attended the September 17th ceremony in Indian River where Sheriff Flowers and the County Commissioners proclaimed Indian River a Constitutional County, making it the 5th Constitutional County in Florida. You can watch the ceremony at: Please be sure to support Sheriff Flowers and the Indian River County Commissioners who have had the courage to stand for our Constitution.

We will be continuing to conduct a number of small venue events as well as looking for sponsors for much larger events to inspire local action to produce a national result. We will be mentoring local grassroots groups with strategies of how to get Constitutional County legislation passed in their county. We will be encouraging nationwide networking with our speakers and others who are actively involved in restoring our Constitutional Republic and working within the various spheres of influence that will accomplish that goal. Be sure to contact us if you would like to become involved in the last 60 days of the 180 day plan.

Thank you for you interest and support for the Constitutional County Movement and the Foundation for Freedom Conference.

God Bless,

Bill Mitchell

Florida State Director CSPOA

Founder Foundation for Freedom Conference



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